Artistic Approaches

SOUND COLOURS – music and painting Gudrun Ackermann & Sven Förger
Live Performance on September 7th, 2024 at night of museums Koblenz
MMaria Magdalena van Beethoven. A woman. A mother. Who was she? What moved her?
Portrait of an unknown woman.
(Link to 2nd perfomance on September 7th, 2024)


Painting of the Ehrenbreitstein artist Editha Pröbstle:
Beethoven at his grandmother’s in Ehrenbreitstein
(colour woodcut with collage, 100 x130 cm, ed. 4 2020)


Portrait by Erika Girmann.
Passepartout cards at a reasonsable price with this image or with the Mother Beethoven House in winter
(can be purchased with the artist: tel.: + 49 261 75805)


Helena Hass: Moonlight Sonata (coloured pencils, felt pens and pastel chalk, 30 x 38 cm).
This work was created specifically for the 250th birthday of Ludwig van Beethoven
and is not yet publicly accessible.


Video: Ceremonial unveiling of the painting “Portrait of Mother Beethoven”
by the artist Elias Maya in the Mother Beethoven House ( September 6th, 2014).
Video about the prehistory of this work